Sunday, January 31

LMV recce

Made my way to Church Stretton this morning to pre run the Long Mynd valleys race route. We had snow this morning (about 2") and so was expecting a fair covering on the tops. For some reason i've done this race for the last 3 years. The route begins fairly gently with a few little kicks and a flat fast section on the top.
The second half is where the pain starts. One after another comes 3 long steep climbs which all come within 4 miles of the finish and accounts for about 3000' of climb and 70% of the routes climbing all in the final third.
The race is next weekend and i'll be looking to go sub 2 hours again. I just hope the weather improves.

12.75mile/4656' 3hours (plenty of stops)


  1. I did a recce last week before the snow . I am looking forward to this race again . I'll be chuffed if I get within 3 hours .
    Good luck

  2. Thanks lightning,tough race. Best of luck.

  3. great shots i missed out on a good run out there
